This post (Work in Progress) lists the tips and tricks while doing Forensics challenges during various CTF’s.
This might be a good reference Useful tools for CTF
File Formats
There could be CTF challenges in which the header format is wrong and the file won’t open as expected.
Hex File Header and ASCII Equivalent
File headers are used to identify a file by examining the first 4 or 5 bytes of its hexadecimal content. Taken from Hex file and Regex Cheat Sheet and Gary Kessler File Signature Table is a good reference for file signatures.
Filetype Start Start ASCII Translation
ani 52 49 46 46 RIFF
au 2E 73 6E 64 snd
bmp 42 4D F8 A9 BM
bmp 42 4D 62 25 BMp%
bmp 42 4D 76 03 BMv
cab 4D 53 43 46 MSCF
dll 4D 5A 90 00 MZ
Excel D0 CF 11 E0
exe 4D 5A 50 00 MZP (inno)
exe 4D 5A 90 00 MZ
flv 46 4C 56 01 FLV
gif 47 49 46 38 39 61 GIF89a
gif 47 49 46 38 37 61 GIF87a
gz 1F 8B 08 08
ico 00 00 01 00
jpeg FF D8 FF E1
jpeg FF D8 FF E0 JFIF
Linux bin 7F 45 4C 46 ELF
png 89 50 4E 47 PNG
msi D0 CF 11 E0
mp3 49 44 33 2E ID3
mp3 49 44 33 03 ID3
OFT 4F 46 54 32 OFT2
PPT D0 CF 11 E0
PDF 25 50 44 46 %PDF
rar 52 61 72 21 Rar!
sfw 43 57 53 06/08 cws
tar 1F 8B 08 00
tgz 1F 9D 90 70
Word D0 CF 11 E0
wmv 30 26 B2 75
zip 50 4B 03 04 PK
wav 52 49 46 46 ?? ?? ?? ?? 57 41 56 45
Correct Headers: SQLite3
0000000: 5351 4c69 7465 2066 6f72 6d61 7420 3300 SQLite format 3. 0000010: 0400 0101 0040 2020 0000 000b 0000 000b .....@ ........ 0000020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0000 0004 ................
Kaitai Struct
Apart from the above reference, use Kaitai Struct, Kaitai Struct Visualizer to verify the header.
Usage: ksv [options] <file_to_parse.bin> <format.ksy>...
-I, --import-path [DIRECTORIES] .ksy library search path(s) for imports (see also KSPATH env variable)
--opaque-types [BOOLEAN] opaque types allowed, default: false
--version show versions of ksv and ksc
ksv tunn3l_v1s10n.bmp ~/utils/forensics/kaitai_struct_formats/image/bmp.ksy
[-] [root] 00000000: 42 4d 8e 26 2c 00 00 00 00 00 ba d0 00 00 ba d0 | BM.&,...........
[-] file_hdr 00000010: 00 00 6e 04 00 00 32 01 00 00 01 00 18 00 00 00 | ..n...2.........
[.] file_type = 42 4d 00000020: 00 00 58 26 2c 00 25 16 00 00 25 16 00 00 00 00 | ..X&,.%...%.....
[.] len_file = 2893454 00000030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 1a 17 27 1e 1b 29 20 1d 2a | ......#..'..) .*
[.] reserved1 = 0 00000040: 21 1e 26 1d 1a 31 28 25 35 2c 29 33 2a 27 38 2f | !.&..1(%5,)3*'8/
[.] reserved2 = 0 00000050: 2c 2f 26 23 33 2a 26 2d 24 20 3b 32 2e 32 29 25 | ,/*&-$ ;2.2)%
[.] ofs_bitmap = 53434 00000060: 30 27 23 33 2a 26 38 2c 28 36 2b 27 39 2d 2b 2f | 0'#3*&8,(6+'9-+/
[-] dib_info 00000070: 26 23 1d 12 0e 23 17 11 29 16 0e 55 3d 31 97 76 | &#...#..)..U=1.v
[.] len_header = 53434 00000080: 66 8b 66 52 99 6d 56 9e 70 58 9e 6f 54 9c 6f 54 | f.fR.mV.pX.oT.oT
[?] color_mask_alpha 00000090: ab 7e 63 ba 8c 6d bd 8a 69 c8 97 71 c1 93 71 c1 | .~c..m..i..q..q.
[?] color_mask_blue 000000a0: 97 74 c1 94 73 c0 93 72 c0 8f 6f bd 8e 6e ba 8d | .t..s..r..o..n..
[?] color_mask_green 000000b0: 6b b7 8d 6a b0 85 64 a0 74 55 a3 77 5a 98 6f 56 | k..j..d.tU.wZ.oV
[?] color_mask_red 000000c0: 76 52 3a 71 52 3d 6c 4f 40 6d 52 44 6e 53 49 77 | vR:qR=lO@mRDnSIw
[?] is_color_mask_here 000000d0: 5e 54 53 39 33 70 58 52 76 61 59 73 5f 54 7e 6b | ^TS93pXRvaYs_T~k
[?] is_color_mask_given 000000e0: 5e 86 74 63 7e 6a 59 76 62 50 76 5e 4c 7a 62 50 | ^.tc~jYvbPv^LzbP
[?] color_mask_given 000000f0: 87 6d 5d 83 69 59 8d 73 63 9b 81 71 9e 84 74 98 | .m]
In the Header, look for DataOffset, it contains the Offset from beginning of file to the beginning of the bitmap data.
Check the file size that should match with the height and width of the image.
The pixel dimensions can be determined by multiplying both the width and the height by the dpi.
There could be cases where height and width of the image are wrong. In that case, check the size of the image and calculate the possible height and width. - Also check Bits per pixel. (Check if anything is hidden in Red/Blue/Green channel - Refer Stegsolv/CyberChef (RenderImage))
If it’s 24 bit (RGB), we need to divide the filesize by 3 to determine the number of pixels. Based on that we can calculate the actual height and width of the image. Refer PicoCTF tunn3l_v1s10n
If it’s 32 bit (RGBA).
The first eight bytes of a PNG file always contain the following (hex) values: 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a
. This signature indicates that the remainder of the file contains a single PNG image, consisting of a series of chunks beginning with an IHDR chunk and ending with an IEND chunk.
A valid PNG image must contain an IHDR chunk, one or more IDAT chunks, and an IEND chunk.
Chunk layout
Each chunk consists of four parts:
Length: A 4-byte unsigned integer giving the number of bytes in the chunk’s data field. The length counts only the data field, not itself, the chunk type code, or the CRC. Zero is a valid length.
Chunk Type: A 4-byte chunk type code. For convenience in description and in examining PNG files, type codes are restricted to consist of uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters (A-Z and a-z, or 65-90 and 97-122 decimal).
Chunk Data: The data bytes appropriate to the chunk type, if any. This field can be of zero length.
CRC: A 4-byte CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) calculated on the preceding bytes in the chunk, including the chunk type code and chunk data fields, but not including the length field. The CRC is always present, even for chunks containing no data.
Summary of chunks
This table summarizes some properties of the standard chunk types.
Critical chunks (must appear in this order, except PLTE is optional):
Name Multiple Ordering constraints OK? IHDR No Must be first PLTE No Before IDAT IDAT Yes Multiple IDATs must be consecutive IEND No Must be lastAncillary chunks (need not appear in this order):
Name Multiple Ordering constraints OK? cHRM No Before PLTE and IDAT gAMA No Before PLTE and IDAT iCCP No Before PLTE and IDAT sBIT No Before PLTE and IDAT sRGB No Before PLTE and IDAT bKGD No After PLTE; before IDAT hIST No After PLTE; before IDAT tRNS No After PLTE; before IDAT pHYs No Before IDAT sPLT Yes Before IDAT tIME No None iTXt Yes None tEXt Yes None zTXt Yes None
Metadata is data about data. Different types of files have different metadata. The metadata on a photo could include dates, camera information, GPS location, comments, etc. For music, it could include the title, author, track number and album.
Timestamps are data that indicate the time of certain events (MAC):
Modification : when a file was modified
Access : when a file or entries were read or accessed
Creation : when files or entries were created
Types of timestamps
Date Changed (MFT)
Filename Date Created (MFT)
Filename Date Modified (MFT)
Filename Date Accessed (MFT)
INDX Entry Date Created
INDX Entry Date Modified
INDX Entry Date Accessed
INDX Entry Date Changed
Timeline Patterns
Pattern: Run steghide Tool on File
If steghide tool was used to hide information in a file,
M=Date Changed(MFT)=INDX Entry Date Modified = INDX Entry Date Changed > A,C
If you are looking for hidden flag in an image first check with
, exiftool
command, and make sure the extension is correctly displayed.
user could “add a comment” to an embedded thumbnail image using the command:
exiftool a.jpg -thumbnailimage -b | exiftool -comment=wow - | exiftool a.jpg -thumbnailimage'<=-'
The hidden flag could in base64 without
Sometimes, it is better to see lines only greater than x length.
strings RainingBlood.mp3 | awk 'length($0)>20' | sort -u
There is also srch_strings
command part of sleuthkit that can display printable strings in files.
$ wget -O stegsolve.jar
$ java -jar stegsolve.jar
Cyberchef also allows us to render image Multimedia -> Render Image
and perform different functions.
Split color channels.
If there’s any text present in the Image/Wav file or the filename of the image or any link ( maybe to youtube video; video name can be the password ) that can be a passphrase to steghide. Sometimes, you may have to try all lowercase/ uppercase combinations.
steghide info filename.bmp
steghide extract -sf filename.bmp -v
steghide extract -sf message.wav -p hidden_stegosaurus
There might be a case where we have to bruteforce steghide
with a wordlist. In that case, use stegcracker
or stegseek
the file, just to make sure, there’s nothing extra stored in that image.hexdump -C
and look for interesting pattern may be? If you get7z
they represent Zipped files. If so, you can extract those file with7z x
. If somehow, you get a passphrase for the image, then you might have to usesteghide
tool as it allows to hide data with a passphrase.stegsolve: check all the planes. There’s a data-extracter, we may try to extract all the values of RGB and see if there’s any flag in that.
zsteg : detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP
Mediaextract : Extracts media files (AVI, Ogg, Wave, PNG, …) that are embedded within other files.
Comparing two similar images to find the difference
compare hint.png stego100.png -compose src diff.png
Image Arithmetic We can do image addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, blending, logical AND/NAND, logical OR/NOR, logical XOR/XNOR, Invert/ Logical NOT, Bitshift Operators.
We can use gmic to perform XOR of the images.
gmic a.png b.png -blend xor -o result.png
JPEG : Jstego : program aims at providing a java solution to hide secret information(such as secret file) to JPEG images. Hiding algorithm contains Jsteg and F5. The main(probably the toughest) stuff is encoding and decoding JFIF files.
JPEG : Jsteg : jsteg is a package for hiding data inside jpeg files, a technique known as steganography. This is accomplished by copying each bit of the data into the least-significant bits of the image. The amount of data that can be hidden depends on the filesize of the jpeg; it takes about 10-14 bytes of jpeg to store each byte of the hidden data.
LSB Stegonagraphy
File are made of bytes. Each byte is composed of eight bits.
1st digit is MSB and Last digit is LSB
Changing the least-significant bit (LSB) doesn’t change the value very much.
10101100(base 2) == 172 (10)
changing the LSB from 0 to 1:
10101101(base 2) == 173 (10)
So we can modify the LSB without changing the file noticeably. By doing so, we can hide a message inside.
LSB Stegonagraphy in Images
LSB Stegonagraphy or Least Significant Bit Stegonagraphy is a method of stegonagraphy where data is recorded in the lowest bit of a byte.
Say an image has a pixel with an RGB value of (255, 255, 255), the bits of those RGB values will look like
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
By modifying the lowest, or least significant, bit, we can use the 1 bit space across every RGB value for every pixel to construct a message.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
The reason stegonagraphy is hard to detect by sight is because a 1 bit difference in color is insignificant as seen below.
Color 1 Color 2
Decoding LSB steganography is exactly the same as encoding, but in reverse. For each byte, grab the LSB and add it to your decoded message. Once you’ve gone through each byte, convert all the LSBs you grabbed into text or a file.
There might be times, whether there is a message hidden using LSB encoding in a image in a particular way such as original.bmp, encoded.bmp. The encoded bmp might be X bytes of original image and then bytes are encoded. We have to check the patter in which flag has been written.
from pwn import *
with open("encoded.bmp", "rb") as file:
# 0x2d3 is the location from where the flag has been written
bin_str = ""
# Assuming flag is of 50 characters. Each character is represented by 1 byte and can be from 0x00-0xFF and hence 50 * 8.
for j in range(50 * 8):
## reads a byte.
# ord function returns the number representing the unicode code of a specified character.
# Bit operator AND & get the LSB
bin_str += str(ord( & 1)
char_str = unbits(bin_str, endian = 'little')
print (char_str)
MSB Steganography
SigBits Steganography significant bits image decoder.
StegOnline: A web-based, enhanced and open-source port of StegSolve.
Powershell Steganography
Invoke-PSImage can encode a PowerShell script in the pixels of a PNG file and generates a oneliner to execute.
It can be decoded using Decode_PS_Stego. Read more details at Powershell Steganography.
Install zbarimg
apt-get install zbar-tools
Read a QR-Code
zbarimg <imagefile>
Got a QR-Code in Binary 0101?, convert it into QR-Code by QR Code Generator
Images type
There could be text hidden inside the SVG file using tspan <>_ tag. The SVG <tspan> element defines a subtext within a <text> element or another <tspan> element. It allows for adjustment of the style and/or position of that subtext as needed.
For example:
<svg viewBox="0 0 240 40" xmlns="">
text {font: italic 12px serif;}
tspan {font: bold 10px sans-serif;fill: red;}
<text x="10" y="30" class="small">
You are
a banana!
pngcheck : pngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files (by checking the internal 32-bit CRCs [checksums] and decompressing the image data); it can optionally dump almost all of the chunk-level information in the image in human-readable form.
Sound Files
Slow-Scan Television transmissions (SSTV)
It is easy to trasmit an image inside audio frequencies.
apt-get install qsstv
pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=virtual-cable
pavucontrol # A GUI will pop-up, go to the "Output Devices" tab to verify that you have the "Null Output" device
qsstv # The program GUI will pop-up, go to "Options" -> "Configuration" -> "Sound" and select the "PulseAudio" Audio Interface
# Back in the pavucontrol GUI, select the "Recording" tab and specify that QSSTV should capture audio from the Null Output
# click the "Play" button in QSSTV to start the receiver, and then play the audio file:
paplay -d virtual-cable message.wav
After the transmission has ended, cleanup by using the following commands:
pactl list short modules | grep null
22 module-null-sink sink_name=virtual-cable
pactl unload-module 22
Spectrum Analysis
Open the file in Audacity or Spectrum Analyzer and probably analyze the Spectogram
Arrow next to the track name to switch from waveform (top) to logarithmic spectrogram (bottom).
Morse code possible? As all the morse data appears to be below 100 Hz, we can use a low pass filter (effects menu, cutoff 100 Hz) to ease transcription
In Audacity, we can zoom in to see any interesting patterns.
View > Zoom in
If we are provided a wave file, it can interesting to see the amplitudes. Check the unique amplitudes? See if the number of unique amplitude is equal to 16 (hex).
In that case, probably the amplitude first two digits may represent hex? For example, if array([10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85])
, 10
might represent 0x0
and so on.
from import wavfile
# Return the sample rate (in samples/sec) and data from an LPCM WAV file.
samplerate, data =, mmap=False)
If you find a pattern like below

it might mean binary pattern like

and result in something like
11111110 11111110
01010110 00010101
Network Forensics
Have you been provided with a PCAP? Let’s start with
Statistics > Capture File Properties
provide the information about Capture Interface and Capture Filter and the hardware used for the capture.Statistics > Protocol Hierarchy
provides the different protocol captured. We can also usetshark -qz io,phs -r pcapfile.pcap
Statistics > Conversations/Endpoints
provides good insight about the number of devices communicating.Wireshark can extract objects transferred using FTP/HTTP/TFTP use
File > Export Objects >
. - The files can be extracted using--export-objects <protocol>,<destdir>
. - For example:tshark -r filename.pcapng --export-objects "tftp,exported_objects" -2 > /dev/null
Wireshark can follow conversations using Analyse > TCP/HTTP/ Stream.
We can use
-z follow,prot,mode,filter[,range]
whereprot specifies the transport protocol (tcp, udp, dccp, tls, http, http2, quic)
mode specifies the output mode (ascii, ebcdic, hex, raw, yaml)
filter specifies the stream to be displayed. There are three formats: (
).For example:
tshark -r shark2.pcapng -qz follow,tcp,ascii,5
Wireshark can use display filter and extract field. -
-Y|--display-filter <displaY filter>
--T ek|fields|json|jsonraw|pdml|ps|psml|tabs|text
: Set the format of the output when viewing decoded packet data. --e <field>
: Add a field to the list of fields to display if-T ek|fields|json|pdml
is selected. - For example:tshark -nr shark2.pcapng -Y 'frame contains "pico"' -T fields -e text
Fields can found using a particular protocol. For example Display Filter Reference: Domain Name System
We can save the output of a conversation (Follow TCP/UDP/HTTP/ and other streams), > Show data as and save as.
Wired PCAP
DNS Tunneling?
Check if there’s a DNS traffic to a public IP address. - For filtering only DNS queries:
dns.flags.response == 0
- For filtering only DNS responses:dns.flags.response == 1
tshark -nr shark2.pcapng -Y 'dns && dns.flags.response == 0 && frame contains "local" && ip.dst==' -T fields -e
Decrypting traffic
Wireshark > Edit > Preferences > Protocols > TLS > RSA Key List
and edit the private RSA key.
ssldump - dump SSL traffic on a network
- r file : Read data from file instead of from the network
-k keyfile : Use keyfile as the location of the SSL keyfile (OpenSSL format)
-d : Display the application data traffic. This usually means decrypting it, but when -d is used ssldump will also decode application data traffic before the SSL session initiates.
Network attack Detection
Network attacks PCAP can have different kinds of scenarios - various host discovery techniques, - network port scanning methods, - various network attacks such as denial of service, poisoning, flooding and also - wireless attacks
Below information has mainly summarized from Detecting Network Attacks with wireshark.
Detection of host discovery (recon)
Technique |
Wireshark Filter |
Command / Tool |
ARP scanning IP protocol scan ICMP ping sweep TCP ping sweeps UDP ping sweeps |
arp.dst.hw_mac==00:00:00:00:00:00 icmp.type==3 and icmp.code==2 icmp.type==8 or icmp.type==0 tcp.dstport==7 udp.dstport==7 |
arp-scan -l nmap -sO <target> nmap -sn -PE <subnet> nmap -sn -PS/-PA <subnet> nmap -sn -PU <subnet> |
Detection of network port scanning
Technique |
Wireshark Filter |
Command / Tool |
TCP SYN scan TCP Connect() scan TCP Null scan TCP FIN scan TCP Xmass scan UDP port scan |
tcp.flags.syn==1 and tcp.flags.ack==0 and tcp.window_size<=1024 tcp.flags.syn==1 and tcp.flags.ack==0 and tcp.window_size>1024 tcp.flags==0 tcp.flags==0x001 tcp.flags.fin==1 && tcp.flags.push==1 && tcp.flags.urg==1 icmp.type==3 and icmp.code==3 |
nmap -sS <target> nmap -sT <target> nmap -sN <target> nmap -sF <target> nmap -sX <target> nmap -sU <target> |
To understand what ports were open on the attacked machine, we can use tcp.flags.ack==1 && tcp.flags.syn==1 && ip.src==ip_address_of_attacked_machine as after SYN packet machine sends SYN, ACK.
Detection of network attacks
Technique |
Wireshark Filter |
Command / Tool |
ARP poisoning ICMP flood VLAN hoping Unexplained packet loss TCP Xmass scan UDP port scan |
arp.duplicate-address-detected or arp.duplicate-address-frame icmp and data.len > 48 dtp or vlan.too_many_tags tcp.analysis.lost_segment or tcp.analysis.retransmission tcp.flags.fin==1 && tcp.flags.push==1 && tcp.flags.urg==1 icmp.type==3 and icmp.code==3 |
arpspoof, ettercap fping, hping frogger, yersinia n/a nmap -sX <target> nmap -sU <target> |
Detection of wireless network attacks
Technique |
Wireshark Filter |
Command / Tool |
Client deauthentication Client disassociation Fake AP beacon flood Authentication DoS UDP port scan |
wlan.fc.type_subtype == 12 wlan.fc.type_subtype == 10 wlan.fc.type_subtype == 8 wlan.fc.type_subtype == 11 icmp.type==3 and icmp.code==3 |
aireplay-ng, mdk3, mdk4 mdk3, mdk4 mdk3, mdk4 mdk3, mdk4 nmap -sU <target> |
Detection of reverse shell port
Few forensics challenges can request to find the reverse shell port number after the vulnerability was exploited. In that case, remember few things
If available, use Suricata logs to identify the time period when the attack happened.
If possible, identify what vulnerability was exploited (e.g. Eternal Blue exploits SMB) and search google for pcap analysis of that vuln to understand more.
Analyse the traffic after the vulnerability has been exploited.
Eternalblue exploits SMB. So, we have to analyse
traffic. - Look forsmb.mid == 65
for EternalBlue andsmb.mid == 81
orsmb.mid == 82
for DoublePulsar? (This is unconfirmed).
TFTP Filter
: tftp Read Request
Wireshark tips
Many times, we are investigating a incident and knowing the exact time of the incident in wireshark is important. Use Menu > View > Time Display Format > Date and Time of the Day
Wireshark - Searching for answers in pcap file?
Searching passwords in HTTP Web traffic in wireshark?
http.request.method == "POST" filter might help, based on concept that server is asking for LOGIN prompt and user is POSTing his password in cleartext.
Filters can be chained together using ‘&&’ notation. In order to filter by IP, ensure a double equals ‘==’ is used.
If the challenge says IP address has been spoofed, then you should look for MAC address as it wouldn’t have changed. You would find packets with two different IP address having same MAC address. In another scenario, if the MAC address has been spoofed, IP address might be the same. In both cases display filter “arp” (to only show arp requests) and “ip.addr==” (to show only packets with either source or destination being the IP address). might be helpful.
Sometimes, it is better to check which objects we are able to export, (File –> Export Objects –> HTTP/DICOM/SMB/SMB2) export the http/DICOM/SMB/SMB2 object
SSL Traffic? and have a key? Visit Wireshark->Edit->Preferences->Protocols->SSL->RSA Key List. SSL Traffic with forward secretcy ->SSL->Pre-Master-Secret-Log filename
Sometimes, you need to find all the unique ip address in the network capture, for that you can use
tshark -T fields -e ip.src -r <pcap file> \| sort \| uniq -T fields\|pdml\|ps\|psml\|text : Set the format of the output when viewing decoded packet data. -e : Add a field to the list of fields to display if -T fields is selected. -r : Read packet data from infile, can be any supported capture file format (including gzipped files). -R : Cause the specified filter (which uses the syntax of read/displayfilters, rather than that of capture filters) to be applied
Wireshark can not reassamble HTTP fragmented packets to generate the RAW data,we can use Dshell to reassemble http partial contents. A blog mentioning how to do it is here
If there’s any file getting transferred in the PCAP, maybe try carving out using binwalk or foremost, you might get lucky.
If you are searching for flags, and nothing is quite obvious.
Check for hints such a packet mentioning start or end.
Check for patterns in source port number (sport changing with same destination port) or destination port number (dport changing with same source port).
Finding information
If we have bittorrent traffic and want to find the file being downloaded, look for BT-DHT
packets and look for info_hash
. Search the hash on internet.
Wireless PCAP
The assumption is that the wireless PCAP would be encrypted. In this section, we will see the encryption
can crack WEP/WPA handshakes using a word dictionary specified using -w
aircrack-ng wpa-ing_out.pcap -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Once we have found the key (password), go to Wireshark > Edit > Preferences > Protocols > IEEE 802.11
and edit the decryption key.
USB Forensics
Probably, we would be provided with the USB-based PCAP file, now as there are USB-Mouse/ Keyboard and Storage devices. There would be data related to that. Now, to figure what device is connected. Check the below packets in the wireshark
1 0.000000 host 1.12.0 USB 36 GET DESCRIPTOR Request DEVICE
2 0.000306 1.12.0 host USB 46 GET DESCRIPTOR Response DEVICE
In the GET DESCRIPTOR Response packet, there would be a idVendor and idProduct, searching for that. We can figure out that whether it’s a Keyboard, mouse or storage device.
bLength: 18
bDescriptorType: 0x01 (DEVICE)
bcdUSB: 0x0200
bDeviceClass: Device (0x00)
bDeviceSubClass: 0
bDeviceProtocol: 0 (Use class code info from Interface Descriptors)
bMaxPacketSize0: 8
idVendor: Razer USA, Ltd (0x1532)
idProduct: BlackWidow Ultimate 2013 (0x011a)
bcdDevice: 0x0200
iManufacturer: 1
iProduct: 2
iSerialNumber: 0
bNumConfigurations: 1
If the device connected is the keyboard, we can actually, check for the “interrupt in” message
51 8.808610 1.12.1 host USB 35 URB_INTERRUPT in
and check for the Leftover Capture Data field
Frame 159: 35 bytes on wire (280 bits), 35 bytes captured (280 bits)
[Source: 1.12.1]
[Destination: host]
USBPcap pseudoheader length: 27
IRP ID: 0xffffa5045d1653c0
IRP information: 0x01, Direction: PDO -> FDO
URB bus id: 1
Device address: 12
Endpoint: 0x81, Direction: IN
URB transfer type: URB_INTERRUPT (0x01)
Packet Data Length: 8
[bInterfaceClass: HID (0x03)]
Leftover Capture Data: 0000500000000000
Now, we can use tshark to take out, usb.capdata out
tshark -r usb-keyboard-data.pcap -T fields -e usb.capdata
Here there are 8 bytes
Keyboard Report Format
Byte 0: Keyboard modifier bits (SHIFT, ALT, CTRL etc)
Byte 1: reserved
Byte 2-7: Up to six keyboard usage indexes representing the keys that are currently “pressed”. Order is not important, a key is either pressed (present in the buffer) or not pressed.
USB HID Keyboard Scan Codes
MightyPork has created a gist mentioning USB HID Keyboard scan codes as per USB spec 1.11 at usb_hid_keys.h
The above can be referred and utilized to convert the usb.capdata to know what was the user typing using the USB Keyboard!
whoami has written a script to figure out the keyboard strokes
usb_codes = {
0x04:"aA", 0x05:"bB", 0x06:"cC", 0x07:"dD", 0x08:"eE", 0x09:"fF",
0x0A:"gG", 0x0B:"hH", 0x0C:"iI", 0x0D:"jJ", 0x0E:"kK", 0x0F:"lL",
0x10:"mM", 0x11:"nN", 0x12:"oO", 0x13:"pP", 0x14:"qQ", 0x15:"rR",
0x16:"sS", 0x17:"tT", 0x18:"uU", 0x19:"vV", 0x1A:"wW", 0x1B:"xX",
0x1C:"yY", 0x1D:"zZ", 0x1E:"1!", 0x1F:"2@", 0x20:"3#", 0x21:"4$",
0x22:"5%", 0x23:"6^", 0x24:"7&", 0x25:"8*", 0x26:"9(", 0x27:"0)",
0x2C:" ", 0x2D:"-_", 0x2E:"=+", 0x2F:"[{", 0x30:"]}", 0x32:"#~",
0x33:";:", 0x34:"'\"", 0x36:",<", 0x37:".>", 0x4f:">", 0x50:"<"
lines = ["","","","",""]
pos = 0
for x in open("data1.txt","r").readlines():
code = int(x[6:8],16)
if code == 0:
# newline or down arrow - move down
if code == 0x51 or code == 0x28:
pos += 1
# up arrow - move up
if code == 0x52:
pos -= 1
# select the character based on the Shift key
if int(x[0:2],16) == 2:
lines[pos] += usb_codes[code][1]
lines[pos] += usb_codes[code][0]
for x in lines:
print x
If we take the USB-Mouse Leftover Capture data, we have around four bytes
Format of First 3 Packet Bytes
Even if your mouse is sending 4 byte packets, the first 3 bytes always have the same format. * The first byte has a bunch of bit flags.
byte 1: Y overflow X overflow Y sign bit X sign bit Always 1 Middle Btn Right Btn Left Btn
The second byte is the “delta X” value – that is, it measures horizontal mouse movement, with left being negative.
byte 2: X movement
The third byte is “delta Y”, with down (toward the user) being negative. Typical values for deltaX and deltaY are one or two for slow movement, and perhaps 20 for very fast movement. Maximum possible values are +255 to -256 (they are 9-bit quantities, two’s complement).
byte 3: Y movement
Let’s say we capture this data into a file, we can eventually capture the mouse movements,
tshark -r challenge.pcapng usb.capdata and usb.device_address==12 -T fields -e usb.capdata > mouse_data.txt
This can be plotted using GNUplot as shown in a writeup of Riverside
awk -F: 'function comp(v){if(v>127)v-=256;return v}{x+=comp(strtonum("0x"$2));y+=comp(strtonum("0x"$3))}$1=="01"{print x,y}' mouse_data.txt > click_coordinates.txt
gnuplot -e "plot 'click_coordinates.txt'"
If the mouse movement shows a on-screen keyboard, probably, we can use
awk 'BEGIN{split(" zxcvbnm asdfghjkl qwertyuiop",key,//)}{r=int(($2-20)/-100);c=int(($1 - 117 + (r % 2 * 40)) / 85);k=r*10+c;printf "%s",key[k]}END{print""}' click_coordinates.txt
If the device found in the PCAP is a USB-Storage-Device, check for the packets having size greater than 1000 bytes with flags URB_BULK out/in. Select the stream and press Ctrl + h or you can use File->Export Packet Bytes.
Browser Forensics
Browser extension
ExtAnalysis : Browser Extension Analysis Framework - Scan, Analyze Chrome, firefox and Brave extensions for vulnerabilities and intels.
File Forensics
Webserver logs
GoAccess : GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
ZIP Files
Shar creates “shell archives” (or shar files) which are in text format and can be mailed. These files may be unpacked later by executing them with
Word/Powerpoint and others? Macro
Word/Powerpoint files can be opened using zip software like
7z x hello.doc
.Further it is always a good idea to list all the extracted files using
ls -laR
.After that, we can use ViperMonkey which is a VBA Emulation engine written in Python, designed to analyze and deobfuscate malicious VBA Macros contained in Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc).
PDF Files
Redacted PDF
Masking over the text of a PDF document does not actually erase the underlying text.
to extract the text from pdf and see if there’s a flag.
Memory Forensics
Important commands to try
imageinfo/ pslist / cmdscan/ consoles/ consoles/ memdump/ procdump/ filescan/ connscan/
Extract files using filescan and dumpfiles
Extracting RAW pictures from memory dumps
Extracting RAW pictures from Memory Dumps
Probably, dump the process running MSRDP, MSPAINT
Rename the file extensions from *.dmp to *.data, download/install GIMP and open them as “RAW Image Data”:
We can use GIMP to navigate within the memory dump and analyse the rendered pixels/bitmaps on their corresponding offsets
Disk Forensics
Initial recon
If we are provided a image,
to display details of an image file.└─$ img_stat dds2-alpine.flag.img IMAGE FILE INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- Image Type: raw Size in bytes: 134217728 Sector size: 512
to display the partition layout of a volume system (partition tables). Ifmmls
doesn’t provide any output, runfsstat
on the disk image as it might not have any partition table.mmls dds2-alpine.flag.img DOS Partition Table Offset Sector: 0 Units are in 512-byte sectors Slot Start End Length Description 000: Meta 0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 Primary Table (#0) 001: ------- 0000000000 0000002047 0000002048 Unallocated 002: 000:000 0000002048 0000262143 0000260096 Linux (0x83)
to display general details of a file system. The output of this command is file system specific. At a minimum, the range of meta-data values (inode numbers) and content units (blocks or clusters) are given. Also given are details from the Super Block, such as mount times and and features. It requires-o imgoffset
(the sector offset where the file system starts in the image).fsstat -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img FILE SYSTEM INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- File System Type: Ext3 Volume Name: Volume ID: dc53a3bb0ae739a5164c89db56bbb12f Last Written at: 2021-02-16 13:21:20 (EST) Last Checked at: 2021-02-16 13:21:19 (EST) Last Mounted at: 2021-02-16 13:21:19 (EST) Unmounted properly Last mounted on: /os/mnt Source OS: Linux Dynamic Structure Compat Features: Journal, Ext Attributes, Resize Inode, Dir Index InCompat Features: Filetype, Read Only Compat Features: Sparse Super, Large File, Journal ID: 00 Journal Inode: 8
to list file and directory names in a disk image.usage: fls [-adDFlhpruvV] [-f fstype] [-i imgtype] [-b dev_sector_size] [-m dir/] [-o imgoffset] [-z ZONE] [-s seconds] image [images] [inode] If [inode] is not given, the root directory is used -a: Display "." and ".." entries -d: Display deleted entries only -D: Display only directories -F: Display only files -o imgoffset: Offset into image file (in sectors) -r: Recurse on directory entries -u: Display undeleted entries only -k password: Decryption password for encrypted volumes
For example:
fls -a -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img d/d 26417: home d/d 18290: root d/d 16259: run
can be used see files in particular Folders by providing the above inode number.fls -a -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img 18290 d/d 18290: . d/d 2: .. r/r 18291: down-at-the-bottom.txt
to read file or output the contents of a file based on its inode number. From above we get the inode number of the file.icat -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img 18291 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( p ) ( i ) ( c ) ( o ) ( C ) ( T ) ( F ) ( { ) ( f ) ( 0 ) ( r ) ( 3 ) ( n ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
Further, there could be slack space in the file. We can use
to include the slack space.icat -s suspicious.dd.sda1 12 Nothing to see here! But you may want to look here --> }1937befc_3<_|Lm_111t5_3b{FTCocip
Mounting the disk
Method 1
Install image as loops and mount the partition required.
[user@host Operation Oni]$ sudo kpartx -a -v disk.img
add map loop19p1 (253:22): 0 204800 linear 7:19 2048
add map loop19p2 (253:23): 0 264192 linear 7:19 206848
[user@host Operation Oni]$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop19p2 mnt/
We can browse the mounted directory using cd
Unmount the disk and delete the image as loop.
[user@host Operation Oni]$ umount mnt
[user@host Operation Oni]$ sudo kpartx -d disk.img
loop deleted : /dev/loop19
Method 2
disk -l disk.img
Disk disk.img: 230 MiB, 241172480 bytes, 471040 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x0b0051d0
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
disk.img1 * 2048 206847 204800 100M 83 Linux
disk.img2 206848 471039 264192 129M 83 Linux
Mount the disk by replacing the offset. In the below, we just replace the Start number to calculate the offset.
sudo mount -o loop,offset=`echo 206848 \* 512|bc` disk.img /mnt
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAID can be used for a number of reasons such as squeezing out extra performance, offering redundancy to your data and even parity; parity is what rebuilds data which is potentially lost, thus offering an extra level of protection from data loss.
The most common types of RAID array are
Requires a minimum of 2 disks to create
Widely known as the performance RAID
Offers no redundancy whatsoever (no mirroring or parity featured)
Like RAID 0, requires a minimum of 2 disks to create
Offers good redundancy due to RAID 1 using a mirrored drive
Requires a minimum of 3 disks to setup
Gives a level added of redundancy through parity
RAID 10 (Sometimes known as RAID 1+0)
A minimum of 4 disks is needed
Effectively RAID10 is a RAID0 and 1 array combined into a single arra
If we are provided either two or three raid disk file in which one is crashed, we can eventually recover it.
$file disk*
disk0: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x3c+2, OEM-ID "mkfs.fat", sectors/cluster 4, root entries 512, sectors 2048 (volumes <=32 MB) , Media descriptor 0xf8, sectors/FAT 2, sectors/track 32, heads 64, reserved 0x1, serial number 0x867314a9, unlabeled, FAT (12 bit)
disk1: ASCII text
disk2: data
$ ls -lh
512K disk0
12 disk1
512K disk2
$ cat disk1
crashed :-()
From above output we know that disk1 is missing. We also know that RAID was used. The most probable version of RAID allowing 1 out of 3 disk loss is the one where every disk can be obtained by XOR-ing 2 other disks. We XOR-ed disk0 and disk2 to get disk1 using some python:
from pwn import *
with open("disk0", "rb") as f1:
with open("disk2", "rb") as f2:
with open("disk1", "wb") as f3:
x =
y =
or we can use xor-files to XOR for two or more files and get the result on a pipe
Now, to get the full NAS content, we had to determine the block distribution. After few minutes of analyzing the disks content and with some knowledge of FAT12 structure) we have determined that parity block (BP) is on different disk in each row so we have distribution:
D0 | D1 | D2
B0 | B1 | BP
B2 | BP | B3
BP | B4 | B5
B6 | B7 | BP
Simple python code to piece together all data blocks:
n = 1024
k = 512 # block size
with open("disk0", "rb") as f1:
with open("disk1", "rb") as f2:
with open("disk2", "rb") as f3:
with open("disk_out", "wb") as f_out:
x = 2
for _ in xrange(n):
blocks = (,,
data_blocks = [b for i, b in enumerate(blocks) if i != x]
x = (x - 1) % 3
Now to check the content we can mount the resulting disk image:
$ sudo mount disk_out /mnt/img/
Boarding Pass Format
Boarding pass issued at the airport from What’s contained in a boarding pass barcode?
M1EWING/SHAUN E1AAAAA SYDBNEQF 0524 106Y023A0073 359>2180
B 29 0 QF 1245678 128
There’s more information in this boarding pass barcode, which is as follows:
M1 : Format code ‘M’ and 1 leg on the boarding pass.
EWING/SHAUN : My name.
E1AAAAA : Electronic ticket indicator and my booking reference.
SYDBNEQF : Flying from SYD (Sydney) to BNE (Brisbane) on QF (Qantas).
0524 : Flight number 524.
106 : The Julian date. In this case 106 is April 16.
Y : Cabin – Economy in this case. Others including F (First) and J (Business).
23A : My seat.
0073 : My sequence number. In this case I was the 73rd person to check-in.
3 : My “passenger status”.
59 : There is a various size field. This is the size
> : Beginning of the version number
2 : The version number.
18 : Field size of another variable field.
0 : My check-in source.
B : Airline designator of boarding pass issuer.
2 : Another variable size field.
9 : Airline code.
0 : International document verification. ’0′ as I presume is not applicable.
QF : The airline my frequent flyer account is with.
1245678 : My frequent flyer number.
128 : Airline specific data.
Interesting Blog
The Konami Code is a cheat code that appears in many Konami video games, although the code also appears in some non-Konami games. The player could press the following sequence of buttons on the game controller to enable a cheat or other effects:
[38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65, 66, 13] is actually: UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A ENTER
A000045 would bring up the fibonacci numbers.
In a TCP Dump, you see a telnet session entering login username and password and those creds are not valid. Maybe check the value in HEX. If it contains 0x7F, that’s backspace.
If in a challenge, you are provided a setgid program which is able to read a certain extension files and flag is present in some other extension, create a symbolic link to the flag with the extension which can be read by the program. For example: In picoCTF 2014 Supercow challenge, a program named supercow was able to read files with .cow extension only and flag was present with flag.txt. So we created a symbolic link like ln -s flag.txt flag.cow
If in a challenge, you are provided with a APK file. There are three ways to decompile it as described below:
Apktool: It is used to decode resources to nearly original form (including resources.arsc, XMLs and 9.png files) and rebuilding them. Also, used for smali debugging. apktool converts the apk file in to smali format. smali/baksmali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik, Android’s Java VM implementation.
apktool d file.apk output-dir d : decode to output-dir
Dex2jar: To see the java code (approx)
Change the extension of file.apk from .apk to .zip
Unzip the
After unzip, you would get classes.dex file.
Use dex2jar classes.dex (It would create classes_dex2jar.jar file)
Extract jar file by jar xf classes_dex2jar.jar
This would provide you with .class files which could be open by jd-gui (Java Decompiler) tool.
Use online services such as Decompile Android. Once it’s decompiled, we can download the decompiled files and unpack them.
If you are provided a disk.img file, from which files have to recovered, you could use foremost tool used to recover files using their headers, footers, and data structures.
If you are provided with iOS package, we may use dpkg-deb to extract it.
dpkg-deb -x com.yourcompany.whyos_4.2.0-28debug_iphoneos-arm.deb app
If you are provided a jar file in the challenge, JAR (Java ARchive) is a package file format typically used to aggregate many Java class files and associated metadata and resources (text, images, etc.) into one file to distribute application software or libraries on the Java platform. It can be extracted using
jar xf jar-file x : extract files from the JAR archive. f : JAR file from which files are to be extracted is specified on the command line, rather than through stdin. The jar-file argument is the filename (or path and filename) of the JAR file from which to extract files.
If you are having a source code of evil program, check the source code of the real program, do a comparision and find the added evil code.
Morse code, utilize Transator
Sometimes, if you extract some files, if you wuld see a blank name, you know there is some file but can’t see a name, like file name could be spaces?, then
ls -lb might be of help. -b, --escape : print C-style escapes for nongraphic characters
How to open a filename named “-” : We can create a file named “-” by
echo hello > -and this file can be opened by
cat ./-
This is needed because lot of programs use “-” to mean stdin/stdout.
If you have a hex dump of something and you want to create the binary version of the data?
xxd r data data is the hexdump of the binary file.
Excel Document: You may try unzipping it and check VBA macros in it. There are tools to extract VBA from excel listed here ools to extract VBA Macro source code from MS Office Documents
convert animation.gif target.jpg
If the pdf-parser contains
/ProcSet [/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI] /ProcSet [/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]It means it will contain text which can be extracted by using
*pdf2txt Untitled-1_1a110935ec70b63ad09fec68c89dfacb.pdf PCTF{how_2_pdf_yo}*
If you get an IP address on the challenge and probably no port is open and pinging, try to check the response time of the pings, it might different each time and maybe representing binary 0 (If response time is less than Xms) or binary 1 (If the response time is greater than Xms).
Forensics Tools used
AutoRuns PowerShell Module <>: AutoRuns module was designed to help do live incident response and enumerate autoruns artifacts that may be used by legitimate programs as well as malware to achieve persistence.
Sample Entry:
<item> <location>HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Common Startup</location> <itemname>Windows Updater.lnk</itemname> <enabled>Enabled</enabled> <profile>System-wide</profile> <launchstring>C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Windows Updater.lnk</launchstring> <imagepath>c:\users\barry\downloads\updater.cmd</imagepath> <time>20230504-124939</time> </item>
Firmware image provided? with
? Use unsquashfs to uncompress, extract and list squashfs filesystems
CONTROL: BOA archive data kernel: Device Tree Blob version 17, size=2640268, boot CPU=0, string block size=108, DT structure block size=2639208 root: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, xz compressed, 11550948 bytes, 1199 inodes, blocksize: 262144 bytes, created: Tue Jan 31 15:36:57 2023