The Magic of Learning
Hey there! Few years back, when we started our journey in Infosec, we didn’t had proper guidance. At that point of time, we decided to share our knowledge gathered during this journey with the community. The blog entries below can be seen as reading material for anyone starting in the InfoSec Community or even a one-stop-reference for a seasoned InfoSec person.
Currently, five series have been published:
The Essentials that covers the essential concepts/skills for somebody who wants to enter the field of CyberSecurity such as Cybersecurity in an Enterprise, Linux Basics, cloud, opensource and secure software development concepts.
Infrastructure Pentest that covers all the phases of Infrastructure Pentest as described by The Penetration Testing Execution Standard such as Intelligence Gathering, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploitation, Post Exploitation, Reporting and Configuration Review.
Vulnerable Machines: Knowledge gained by solving/reading write-ups of vulnerable machines provided by VulnHub, Hack the Box and others.
Capture the flag covers what we have learned by solving Capture the flag (CTF) challenges such as Binary Exploitation and Forensics.
Critical Infrastructure covers the concepts required to Pentest or Secure a Electrical Grid.
Want to provide us some feedback? Write it down at Feedback page!
The Essentials
Infrastructure Pentest
Vulnerable Machines
CTF - Challenges
Critical Infrastructure
Contributors, Blog Archive and About Me
This is an open source effort by the community for the community. If you have found any error, want to add extra information or contribute in another way. You are a free and encouraged to do so, you can send a pull request on GitHub.
Obligatory Disclaimer
This blog is purely intended for educational purposes. We do not want anyone to use this information (or any information on this blog) to hack into computers where they do not have permission for or do other illegal things. Therefore we don’t want to be held responsible for the acts of other people who took parts of this document and used it for illegal purposes. If you don’t agree, we kindly ask you to leave this website.